How much do reviews really matter?

The truth is that today reviews are one of the most important aspects of a business’ success. We all know this, but it is easy to underestimate this phenomenon, at least until you look at the numbers.

And the numbers paint a very sharp picture, as this infographic shows: of all industries, the one most impacted by the influence of reviews is the restaurant industry. Sixty-eight percent of millennials totally trust online reviews, far more than any form of advertising, as much as 12 times more than they trust a merchant’s description. This is also because few people go looking for more information: between 2016 and 2017, the percentage of people visiting the business’s website dropped by 17 percent. Even, for 85 percent of customers surveyed, online reviews equate to a personal recommendation in terms of trustworthiness.

We at FEEL TICINO FEEL HOME always devote our utmost attention without underestimating the needs of our clients, guests and potential guests. Constant , never trivial work that results in a very high level of enjoyment by those who have had the opportunity to use our many services.

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